
Hi guys!

I would really appreciate it if you all check out my YouTube and let me know what you think of my vlogs, either by leaving me a comment here or under the videos you like.

I’m asking for this as I really enjoy making the videos and I would like some feedback to know what is liked and what isn’t liked…it is all for you guys anyway! I take your feedback very seriously and I will try all I can to do something about it.

Thank you so much in advance.

BenLow666 < search on YouTube

And here it is…

This is an updated version of my Arabic video…where I have done some homework that was set, from like 3 months ago (oops, I was never good at deadlines).

So, hal tatakallam ala’rabiyya? هل تتكلم العربية؟

I hope you like it, and if you haven’t already, please please please subscribe…it really helps, you just get notified on new videos, nothing nasty 🙂

Thank you,



Hey guys!

So, I have not made a blog for a long time now, considering I did one everyday. Just thought I would drop by to tell you that I am still here, and will still be blogging, but at the moment, as I have started back at uni, I am trying to complete a few bits first. However, strangely, I have found time to make new videos on my YouTube page, go and check them out if you’re interested…

BenLow666<<Click<< please? 🙂

I am also planning my future at the moment too, so I will be doing a blog about that, shortly, when I have some more solid plans and details 🙂
Ciao for now guys!!

The Wonders of Language

Well, I have just made a startling discovery, and one that may have knocked my confidence for my love of languages.

I was just talking with my boyfriend, Andrea, and he said a sentence in Italian to me, and then this was followed by him saying  “Don’t translate that!”...this then immediately lead me to believe that he has either insulted me or said something he didn’t want me to know! He then explained that in his dialect it was a compliment, but in standard, or for that matter any other dialect of Italian, it could mean something completely different. We have this concept in English slightly, where the Americans would say something is ‘phit’ or ‘phat’ means brilliant, great to cool etc, (or the one I hate…but slightly different as it is an old English word, that is so gay! meaning, that is so silly, weird, stupid or any other useless word) but to listen to it, it sounds like an insult!

Anyway, I digress! The point of this was to talk about the Italian…for example, in standard Italian, the word for slipper is ciabatta (yes, the bread!), but in Venetian dialect it would be savata. Another, glasses in standard Italian in occhiali, and in Venetian; ociai. These little differences for anyone learning a language can cause havoc (we also have two different dialects in Wales, North Walian, and South Walian). Some more examples of the differences between the Italian Andrea speaks, and the standard Italian would be:

  • Him = lui (standard) > eo (Venetian)
  • Cobweb = ragnatela > scarpia
  • hai problemi? = Do you have a problem? > Gheto problemi?
  • (funny one)… Tu sei sano come un pesce = you are as fit as a fish > ti si san come un pese – which is very different!

I then started to panic, as I really want to learn Italian, for some obvious reasons, but also purely for my love for the language, the culture, music, food and the people. I began to think that I would get to confused with what language I was learning, if I was saying the right word, or worse, if I was having a conversation and they said a word in a dialect, and I mistake it for another word…it could get rather embarrassing if i started another tangent of conversation and the other person is left there dumbfounded at what I am talking about. However, this could be said about all languages, with the way things differ; if you were to say, “I’m full” literally (word for word translation) in French, it could mean “Im pregnant” … the list is endless, I’m sure!

I have been reassured, however, that everyone speaks the standard Italian, so I will still be able to live my dream of being able to converse with the fellow Italians! I did a spot (and when I say spot, i looked at 2 different sources, that is how small) of research on this topic, and it turns out that when all homes could afford to have TV and radio, that is secured the place for everyone to speak a common language, which is the standard Italian that is used in the media, and education (just like the Queen’s English, in schools – not so sure).

Amazing, hey?